Troop Weekend Packing List
Boy Scout Weekend Packing List
This list is provided as a simple guideline to plan what you will need for a typical weekend camping trip.
We recommend packing your items in a backpack or duffle bag. Clothing and personal property should be permanently marked with your name and troop.
Medications should be clearly marked with Scout’s name, medication name, and dosage.
Official BSA Uniform (worn on arrival):
- Uniform Shirt (khaki)
- Shorts/Pants (green)
- Belt
- Scout Socks
- Troop Neckerchief
- Neckerchief Slide
- Socks (2 pairs)
- Tee Shirts (1)
- Underwear (2)
- Pair of Long Pants (2)
- Pair of Shorts (1, optional)
- Sweatshirt
- Jacket/Coat (seasonal)
- Sleepwear
- Hiking shoes/boots- (broken in)
- Extra Pair of Shoes or sneakers(No Open-Toe Sandals or Shoes)
- Raingear/Poncho!!!!!!
- Wool Hat
- Soap in a carrier (or plastic bag)
- Towels and washcloths (1)
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Comb or Brush
- Deodorant
- Tissues
Camping Gear:
- Backpack/Duffle bag
- Flashlight (w/extra batteries & bulb)
- Canteen or Water Bottle
- Mess Kit (Initial all utensils)
- Cup/mug
- Sleeping Pad (optional)
- Sleeping bag (no-“Barney” bags)
- Pillow or camp pillow
Other Items:
- Medications – Clearly labeled
- Boy Scout Handbook
- Wristwatch !!!!!!!!!!
- Notebook and pencils
- Compass (if you have one)
- Pocket knife (only 1).
- Folding Chair (optional)
- Card Games (optional)
- Musical Instrument (If you play one)
- Camera and Film (Optional, Disposable is good)
Please leave these items home:
- Electronic Devices – Cell Phones, Beepers, Radios, Walkmans, Game Systems,etc….
- Axes, Saws, Sheath Knives, Fireworks, Weapons of any kind.
- Personal tents.
- Candy, gum or snacks.
- Cans or bottles of Soda/Gatorade/Ice Tea/etc.
Last updated on September 15, 2021