Halloween Camping Trip

DALL·E 2023-10-25 21.44.22 - Pencil drawing on a pure white background of a close-up view of a single-occupancy tent, focusing only on the tent details with no surrounding element

When and Where

When: Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2020, 7:30 pm — 9:00 am
Nights: 2

Location: Alpine Scout Camp / Cubworld 3

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Meeting location: Alpine Scout Camp

Parking Lot: The first parking lot near the entrance and directly across from the Visitor Center. 

Weather Forecast: The current forecast looks good with rain confined to Friday. Keep your fingers crossed. We may still have the joy of setting up our tents in the rain and walking to the campsite in the rain. Rain gear (e.g. poncho) and boots are must-haves. 

Activities: Youth leaders are responsible for the agenda, which should be provided to the troop ahead. Bring your costumes!

Camping Packing List: Refer to the list in your Handbook.  
Additional Packing List

Forms: Before the trip, please drop off a completed printed copy of the below forms at my house or email me a scanned copy by Thursday 10/29.  Please do not send me a picture.

See all 215 photos

Last updated on March 06, 2024