Camping Trip


When and Where

When: September 20-22, 2024, 7:00 pm — 9:00 am
Nights: 2

Location: William H. Pouch Scout Camp / Campsite B-1

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First Camping trip of the year. Get back to having fun outdoors at William H. Pouch Scout Camp.

- Get back into camping mode after the summer break
- Camp in moderate temperature before the (cold) winter and (rainy) spring conditions
- Youth leaders to exercise their newly appointed PORs
- Practice patrol method among the newly formed patrols 
- Scout skills focus: learn and practice navigation - bring your orienteering compass and analog watch
- Scout skills focus: use and care of knife, saw and ax - bring your pocket knife
- Scout skills focus: prep wood using all knife, saw and ax to start fire
- At least 9 (3 for each of the 3 patrols) opportunities to cook - many scouts need this, first come first serve on assignments
- Opportunities to be tested on requirements that you are ready for, especially those scout skills we are focusing on (see above)
- Skit Fun - bring you material

We need your commitment by Monday’s meeting on 9/16. Before the end of the meeting, an accurate roster will allow youth leaders to plan: meal plan, and duty roster.

Originally, we were assigned campsite C-3, but during check-in, we were moved to B-1 (also lean-tos) as it was closer and available. The exact location is on the map below.

William H Pouch Boy Scout Camp, Campsite B-1
1465 Manor Road
Staten Island, NY, 10314
Coordinates(i): 40.591290887421°, -74.121987819672°
Google Maps  |  Waze  |  Organic Maps






Leave early

Advancement Goals

Second Class

(!) A lot of items will be covered. Please read ahead and be ready. Most important:

2b. Use a pocketknife, and a saw or axe if needed, to prepare tinder, kindling, and fuel wood for a cooking fire.

2c. Using a minimum-impact method at an approved outdoor location and time, use the tinder, kindling, and fuel wood from Second Class requirement 2b to demonstrate how to build a fire. Unless prohibited by local fire restrictions, light the fire. After allowing the flames to burn safely for at least two minutes, safely extinguish the flames with minimal impact to the fire site. Properly dispose of the ashes and any charred remains.

2e. On one campout, plan and cook one hot breakfast or lunch, selecting foods from MyPlate or the current USDA nutritional model. Explain the importance of good nutrition. Demonstrate how to transport, store, and prepare the foods you selected

3d. Demonstrate how to find directions during the day and at night without using a compass or an electronic device


(!) A lot of items will be covered. Please read ahead and be ready. Most important:

1a. Present yourself to your leader, prepared for an overnight camping trip. Show the personal and camping gear you will use. Show the right way to pack and carry it. 
1b. Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you helped pitch.
1c. Tell how you practiced the Outdoor Code on a campout or outing.
2a. On the campout, assist in preparing one of the meals. Tell why it is important for each patrol member to share in meal preparation and cleanup.

For 1c., we would recommend brushing up on the Outdoor Code, so you can find ways to practice it while on the camping trip. 
For 1a. review the 10 essentials as well as any other items you may want to bring with you.


Historian's notes

Hello Scouts, from Friday 19th to Sunday the 22nd we had our very first trip for the starting of the scout season went to camp pouch. 

We departed at 7pm and got there around 8pm, from there we went to our camp site and slept. 

The next day we made breakfast, then we began activities for ranking up such as using A stick and the sun to create a compass, as well axe, knife and saw safety.
After that we cooked lunch, after lunch we had a competition between patrols and scoutmasters to see who could cut through a thick tree branch using a saw quicker. The mewing minsters originally won initial the adults came in and beat them in under a minute but they forgot to do the blood circle so points were taken off. 
After that we began a short hike into the nearby town around mid noon we returned to the camp about and hour later. We then began dinner and prept for a campfire with skits and flowed with a flag burning to honor the flag and the brave American heroes who died for it, There where many entertaining skits and the flag ceremony was well performed. 

We then went to Bed and woke up around 6:00 am and left by 7:00 am 


Last updated on September 23, 2024