Merit Badge Councelors

DALL·E 2023-11-01 22.46.37 - Pencil drawing on a white background depicting Boy Scouts of America members participating in community service. Two scouts are painting a park bench,

Troop 23 is proud to offer a variety of merit badges that scouts can earn with the help of our dedicated Merit Badge Counselors. These counselors include Scoutmasters (SM), Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM), Committee Members, and other Registered Adults associated with our troop. Below is a list of merit badges available and the time periods during which they can be earned directly through Troop 23.

Merit Badges are integral to the scouting experience. They provide opportunities for personal growth, help scouts discover new interests, and develop valuable life skills. Merit Badges also play a crucial role in rank advancements, particularly for the higher ranks such as Star, Life, and Eagle.

Merit BadgeAvailability Period
Art2024 — Present
Camping— Present
Chess2024 — Present
Citizenship in the Community— Present
Citizenship in the Nation— Present
Citizenship in the Society2023 — Present
Citizenship in the World— Present
Communication— Present
Cooking— Present
Digital Technology2021 — Present
Environmental Science2024 — Present
First Aid2024 — Present
Graphic Art2024 — Present
Hiking— Present
Personal Fitness— Present
Personal Management— Present
Programming2021 — Present
Photography2021 — Present
Sustainability2024 — Present
Wilderness Survival2025 — Present

For any inquiries or to schedule a session with a Merit Badge Counselor, please contact our Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmasters. Our counselors are committed to helping scouts achieve their goals and earn their merit badges through guided instruction and support.

If you have questions about merit badge requirements or need more information about specific merit badges, please visit our Merit Badges page for detailed guidelines and resources.

Last updated on January 27, 2025