Gene Hart

Brief Bio


Mr. Hart is a dedicated scout leader with immense experience scouting. This leadership spans across the Pack and Troop, and, currently, Sea Scout.  

Over the years, he has held numerous positions including Cubmaster of Pack 23, Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 23, and Scoutmaster of Troop 23, which is where his son, Eagle Scout William Hart, completed his scouting journey.  

Mr. Hart is the founder and current Skipper of Sea Scouts Ship 343 as well as Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 13 and part of the Council Commodore.  

Q: What is your worst camping experience in Scouting?

A: Mr. Hart’s worst scouting experience, whilst camping, was on an April annual historic trip to Gettysburg. This trip took an icy turn for the worst, and there was immense snowfall on the ground, trees, and even on tents! It was overall very harsh conditions for camping, despite it being the middle of spring. 

Q: Do you recommend Scouting? What advice would you give to Scouts today?

A: Yes. It could be considered the best youth leader in the United States. Great life experiences could be gained through Scouting, and it helps you connect to different and like-minded people in a naturalistic setting.  As for the advice, there are two main takeaways. First, Scouts shouldn’t procrastinate.  It is a big commitment, and you don't want to rush requirements and experiences before your 18th birthday. Second, Scouts should never give up without trying their hardest. However, if you have to give up, you should consider the advice from those that you trust, such as a good friend or wise adult, and make your decision after a thorough judgment.

Q: What project are you most proud to have helped on?

A: For William Hart’s Eagle Project, participants helped to build a hiking trail in upper New York so that others can enjoy this unique area.  We were able to dedicate the trail in memory of Allen Stephen, William’s childhood friend and fellow scout.  

Q: What is your fondest memory of Scouting?

A: The Cub 23 - Scout 23 crossover ceremony for Allen Stephen was very special and meant a lot. Allen Stephen was unfortunately very sick. This ceremony became a commemorative moment in Troop 23’s history.

Last updated on May 22, 2024